幸运飞艇官方:Luxury Home Interiors and Accessories

Dear Grace work with leading manufacturers to bring our customers, both in store and on line, an extensive collection of design led, luxury furnishings and home accessories.

We are a family business with personal, friendly service at the forefront of our philosopy.

 Spring Time!

Spring Time!幸运168飞艇最新计划网页版

The days are getting longer, the air milder and the sun a bit brighter. Spring time is always welcomed with open arms and the need for a clean out and freshen up. Leave the drab winter months behind by brining a bit of colour and life back with a home interior refresh.

A spring clean doesn't always have to be drastic - while its tempting to repaint the whole house or get a new kitchen. There are some quick fix and budget friendlier options as well.

A obvious option and a favourite of ours is faux florals. An instant touch of nature and brightness to any home. Whether your style is neutral and clean and you go for Willow With Catkins, Pussywillow or White Fritillaria Stem. Or bright and colourful with Purple Clematis, Pink Ranunculus or Blush Eucalyptus - faux stems are super impactful, long lasting and create a real visual impact where ever they are placed.

2023 Home Decor-幸运168飞艇官网开奖查询-免费168飞艇计划网页版

Wether you are a trend follower or not, this upcoming years trend forcast has a little bit of something for everyone and we love looking at what people are adding into their homes.

2023 is set to be full of red earth, wavy wood and spa styling for tranquil living with a mediteranean feel. With lots of ocean hues, hand crafted ceramics styled with arched backdrops, polished concrete and plumped up seating.

Colour drenching is still around and really amazing for creating the illusion of bigger rooms. Keeping a nice monotone look in specific areas to create continuity and space. This doesnt mean all black and white; but with grey, navy, green and orange being really popular colours to saturate our homes with.

And vintage is back and bigger than ever. Rich golden and mahogany colouring from the 70s and 80s. Large aged and mis-shaped rugs, covered with colour and pattern. Wall lights in all shapes and sizes - from golden sconces to glass pendants. And those warm wood hues - cork, honey and rustic brown are all in the mix with this vast 2023 mood board.

 2023 Home Decor -

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